In-built string functions

  1. Absolute

    • Declare integers x, y

    • Take input for x, y

    • Choose assignment block and write the code x = abs(y)

  2. Power

    • Declare integers x,y and z

    • Take input for x, y

    • Choose assignment block and write the code z = pow(x,y)

  3. Square Root

    • Declare integers x, y

    • Take input for x, y

    • Choose assignment block and write the code x = sqrt(y)

  4. Signum

    • Declare integers x, y
    • Take input for x, y
    • Choose assignment block and write the code x = sgn(y)
  5. Natural Log

    • Declare integers x, y
    • Take input for x, y
    • Choose assignment block and write the code x = ln(y)
  6. Log

    • Declare integers x,y and z

    • Take input for x, y

    • Choose assignment block and write the code z = log(x,y)

  7. Sin

    • Declare integers x, y

    • Take input for x, y

    • Choose assignment block and write the code x = sin(y)

  8. Cos

    • Declare integers x, y

    • Take input for x, y

    • Choose assignment block and write the code x = cos(y)

  9. Tan

    • Declare integers x, y

    • Take input for x, y

    • Choose assignment block and write the code x = tan(y)

  10. Arcsin

  • Declare integers x, y

  • Take input for x, y

  • Choose assignment block and write the code x = arcsin(y)

  1. Arccos
  • Declare integers x, y

  • Take input for x, y

  • Choose assignment block and write the code x = arccos(y)

  1. Arctan
  • Declare integers x, y

  • Take input for x, y

  • Choose assignment block and write the code x = arctan(y)

  1. Ceil
  • Declare integer x, float y

  • Take input for x, y

  • Choose assignment block and write the code x = ceil(y)

  1. Floor
  • Declare integers x, float y

  • Take input for x, y

  • Choose assignment block and write the code x = floor(y)

  1. Round
  • Declare integers x, float y

  • Take input for x, y

  • Choose assignment block and write the code x = round(y)

  • Second parameter denotes number of digits after floating point

  1. Random
  • Declare integers x, y
  • Take input or assign value for y
  • Choose assignment block and write the code x = random(y)